[Version 0.3] 08/17/2010

- final and abstract modifiers now must be specified before the entity keyword i.e. class,
  object, interface.
- Define new native data types like long and float.
- Improve syntax for array creation. Then array.create(5,0) is similar new int[5](0)
- private definitions added. Then private means only available in the same package.
  Entities which can be private are the object, the interface, the class or the package
- Add two specific statements dedicated to arithmetic variable management: {+=} and {-=}.
- self qualification is not mandatory now when calling method with the same instance.
  Then in a method self.m(...) can be replaced by m(...). Beware of class name versus
  method names. In this case object view has an higher priority.
- Java code naming convention  has been simplified. This imply an incompatibility with
  generated code using the compiler v0.2. All sources code must be recompiled.
- Function as first class object is now available. Object with methods are allowed now.
- Simplified generated code removing reflexive mechanisms when creating classes and objects.
- Method and Constructor are now denoted in the Java clump kernel
- Object attributes can be defined with default values
- Protected method with specification "a la Java" available in the class
- [-w] option has been replaced by [-v] for verbose instead of warning.
- Implicit constructor (without parameter) generation has been improved using extensions.
- native can either denotes a type or a statement for low level implementation. The returned
  type is now mandatory when it's a low level implementation.

Fixed Issues:
- Interface and class extension checkers enforced when cycles are detected
- Type variable are now available in the type variable boundaries. Then type like
  class test<E extends Comparable> ... is allowed now.
- attribute initialisation coverage issue fixed when an attribute refers another
  one which is already set in an object constructor:
      this.att1 = val1; this.att2 = f(this.att1); // Here this.att1 can be used
- Fix syntax analyser and stages related to code verification for extended affectation.
  This issue has been introduced with the "final" attribute feature and previous
  modification limitation (All attributes are implicitly final except this and
  this.attribute in versions v0.2 and v0.1)
- Uncaught exceptions is now performed for switch statements (Missing exception
  management during switch type checker stage!).
- Code solver fixed for switch statement and missing return detection
- Code coverage fixed when checking the return; statement.
- Exception handling fixed for constructors. Therefore exceptions extending the
  RuntimeException are not necessarily declared.

- First set of tutorials has been written for the language.