Computer scientist |
Freelance |
λ |
Lambdada is a french community
of software developers
#FP #Haskell #Idris and more
Strong Typed Object-Oriented and
Functional programming language
Multiplatform Kotlin
- Kotlin/JVM for Desktop, Server and Android
- Kotlin/JS for WebSites
- Kotlin/Native for iOS, Linux, WebAssembly ...
Kotlin Features
- Concise e.g. constructors, methods etc.
- Safer when dealing with null
- Strong type checker
- Closure support
- Class extension
Expressions EBNF
Expr ::= SExp [('+' | '*') Expr]
SExpr ::= NUMBER | ('(' Expr ')')
Expressions & Parser Combinators
fun Expr() = SExp() then opt(charIn('+','*') then Expr())
fun SExpr() = NUMBER or (char('(') then Expr() char(')')
TDD and TDD compliant
Function accepting characters as input
and returning a structure as output
Live Code
CharReader → Response<A>
Live Code
Core Parsers
- returns succeeds without consuming any input
- fails fails without consuming any input
- any succeeds consuming one Character
Parser Combinator
Accept parsers as input and
returning a new parser as output
Live Code
Core Parser Combinators
- lazy for (mutual) recursive parsers
- doTry try a parse or consume nothing
- lookahead try a parser and consume nothing
Monadic Parser Combinators
map : Parser<A> → (A → B) → Parser<B>
join : Parser<Parser<A>> → Parser<A>
flatMap : Parser<A> → (A → Parser<B>) → Parser<B>
Live Code
Episode I
The Object-Oriented Menace
Live Code
Episode II
Attack of the Closure
Episode III
Revenge of the Type
Live Code
Flow Parser Combinators
then ,
or ,
opt ,
optrep ,
Live Code
tail recursion in Kotlin
Allows some algorithms using recursive function
without the risk of stack overflow.
Live Code
Character Parser Combinators
char ,
charIn ,
Some Examples
- Expressions aka "Hello world" for parsers :)
- JSON parser
Conclusion about Parser Combinators
- Expressive Parser DSL
- Intensive Functional Composition
- Efficiency? Not really e.g. JSON ≈ 500k/s
- Free-Monads?
Conclusion about Kotlin
- Object-Oriented with(out) Functional paradigm
- Function type as Class
- Class Extension
- Tail recursion support