Keywords: Object and Class separation and Dynamic typing

Domains: Language semantic, Type checking, Compiler

Language: Vorpal and Java

The Vorpal language proposes a natural evolution of the basic Object-Oriented paradigm revisiting the duality data/knowledges and providing a new approach proposing both Class-Oriented and Pattern-Oriented approaches in the same language. For this purpose this language provides two distinct layers. The first one dedicated to object specification and representation and the second one dedicated to knowledge specification, organization and representation. Compared to language based on class and type separation we also extract the internal state enhancing objects representation outside classes. This evolution breaks definitively conventional Object and Class definitions where each concept is strongly linked to the other one. Mainly we show that such object in fact can have knowledges depending on external considerations and was not definitively linked to a give class but it was a representant for a given time during its life cycle.