wheel  Keywords are Stream, Automata and Transducers.
 Domains are XML Stream, DOM, unstructured text.

The VoDoo/Stream project provides hight level expressive and extensible formalism for transducers for any kind of format. This project was mainly based on three major paradigms. First one was a stream layer for tokenization. An automata layer for recognitions. Last one was a rule based document transformation based on stream and automata.

[10/15/2008] Release 1.3 of VoDoo/Stream including transducers for lexeme stream generation and analysis applied to Java & Matching.
[11/19/2007] Release 1.2 of VoDoo/Stream including DOM support plus the Java & Matching integration
[04/20/2007] Release 1.1 of VoDoo/Stream and examples are available for download.
[03/26/2007] A new release of VoDoo/Stream is available for download.

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